04 October 2011

Monster Mudpit and Skyscraper by River

We were astonished to see the massive mess being created by building syndicate developer

WaterSun Ltd. (or as we refer to them DryDark Ltd).

a "home builder" that HAS no previous proven or praiseworthy projects in Adelaide.

WaterSun or DryDark had elbowed and ice-picked its way into having the syndicate-driven SA State Goverment approve a monster project right next to one of the most serene and sacred spots in Adelaide, the Linear Park River near the Hackney Bridge and Botanic Park and Botanic Gardens.

By analogy, this project is like setting up a yacht club and seafood restuarant next to the dolphin sanctuary at Monkey Mia in West Australia : it is total desecration of a once-wonderful area that was shared by wildlife and people with an UNOBSTRUCTED view of blue sky and plenty gum trees and semi-native plants.

The Monster project in this once special and sacred area includes

  1. Two level UNDERGROUND 400 armoured vehicle ("car") park (in an area where there are already terrible heavy metal congestion problems and where existing residents did NOT want more heavy metal junk constantly rushing up previously quiet and placid tree-lined streets).
  2. TEN LEVEL mini monster skyscrapers where there had been NONE of these previously
  3. "Luxury" apartments akin to those along Park Avenue in New York City, and perhaps the same type vermin to infest and nest in them
We of the Walkerville Residents Association and others throughout the neighbourhood had complained bitterly and consistently to the Walkerville council but TO NO AVAIL :

the Walkerville Council development board voted unanomously to APPROVE the development and, in fact, repeatedly told us, that their only choice was to vote "YES", as if they had a loaded AK-47 held at their back by the vodka-ridden Syndicate Swine neo-Marxist high finance South Australia State Government with its New York subserviant Labor and Liberal political parties and cronies everywhere.

Do we now have to wait for some natural disaster such as a flood, earthquake or World War/race war to correct the situation ?

Note: Now 2014 and work has begun on smaller scale monstrousity at location.

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