14 June 2010

A Reply to Author Arthur Mortimer

Arthur Mortimer is the noteworthy celebrated Adelaide South Australia western suburbs activist and agitator who formed a group called "The Crows" (Concerned Residents of the Western Suburbs) long before there was a Crows football team in Adelaide.

Arthur would write letters to foreign dignataries and get responses to his letters, which were obviously quite cutting and clever.

An example of this might have been when Arthur wrote off to US President Jimmy Carter (President Peanut) to pose the question and problem of what would happen if a U.S. rocket or other rocket was launched at the SA Woomera missile test facility, and somehow the rocket killed a crow downrange.

President Peanut (President Carter) responded to the letter and Arthur was given plenty publicity.

Arthur can be a most pleasant fellow with a deep conscience and thus his participation, and the participation of his family and friends, in many events of social conscience, were and still are a key part of the true worthy fibre of Adelaide and South Australia and Australia.

However I was confronted by Arthur when he vented his usual tirade about the regime of Cough Witlum, a democratically elected socialist who had become Prime Minister over Australia in the early 1970's. Cough is someone I was and am unfamiliar with at the time or this time or any time.

Arthur had directed an angry guilt mongering statement at me like:

"And we all know who ousted Cough Witlum don't we ?"
And I had NO conscious knowledge of who Cough was or what Cough's wits were about or anything about Cough.

In fact the name Witlum reminds me of someone lunging and letting loose a wad of green mucus phlegm at someone or something... or Spitlum or Yucklum etc.

Anyway, Arthur tried to lay some guilt on me, or anyone who might have been opposed to World Socialism and total takeover of society by government, and so he aimed this remark, like phlegm in my face, as if I was supposed to be taken aback by it.

I was not taken aback.

Nor was I impressed by my own ignorance on the matter.

Years later I would take time and interest to learn from someone about the Cough Witlum, Gough Whitlam or Gough Whitlum debacle in the 1970's and how many People in Australia had become disenchanted because the Socialist pre Communist movement in Australia had one of its champions, and the train he commandeered, derailed and curtailed by World Finance.

This is partially documented at the Wikepedia web site for the Tirath Khemlani

Cough Witlum Loans Affair
and the
Australian Constitutional Crisis of 1975

So my reply to Arthur and his verbal slap of phlegm in my face of

"And we all know who ousted Cough Witlum don't we ?"
is this:

I still do not know who or what exactly the Loans Affair was about. Also I do NOT personally know Cough Witlum or anyone who was at Cough's side during the dismissal of the Witlum regime by Governor General John Kerr and other World puppet string controllers.

It is said Tirath Khemlani was the key actor, agent or operator in this attempt.

I did not and do not know Tirath Khemlani.

However, I do know it is documented that Loans affair actors attempted to raise about $4,000,000,000 (FOUR BILLION DOLLARS) from various Arab nations or Arab financial circles.



For more about Khazar Elites and their troublesome unfortunate impact upon Western European and other civilisations please visit

To me, it seems probable the rich jeweled human elite ruling over so many societies would greatly and deeply oppose Australia becoming indebted to the Semitic Arab and Iranian People of the non-Zionist Nations in the Middle East in any way, shape or substance.

Please read the above Friends and/or Family of Arthur Mortimer R.I.P.

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